Last week I had a goal, I said I wanted to have 70 pages written by the end of this week. I started today with having 39 pages done, having done about half a page of wirting over the weekend. So that leaves me with 31 pages to write to make my goal of being on page 70 of the story by the end of this week. It's a lot to do, I know but I had planned on locking myself in the basement with some dvds, my laptop and powercord. Some days the internet is very distracting to me, especially on the days when I'm not very motivated to do something. Those are the days when I need to get away from my desk, take my laptop and park my rear on the couch with laptop and tv.
I also said I was going to start working out again today but again that didn't happen. The weekend turned out differently than I thought it would. Originally I was going to church to train a new guy on lights but he didn't show up Saturday so I had to both program and run lights. I also ran camera two Saturday night since we were short a camera guy. I was asked to come back Sunday just in case the light guy wasn't there and sure enough, I was running lights again. The upside to that was a very funny moment that happened a few minutes after the first service ended, which will end up in the book somewhere. I ran upstairs and told the folks in the tech booth what happened, along with our techinical director and they all died laughing. We couldn't stop laughing about it for a while either.
Yesterday afternoon was no help either; instead of grilling like we originally planned, so we got stuck at Cracker Barrel (leave it to my brothers to not plan ahead) and didn't eat lunch until 4:00. Yeah just what I love doing, starving myself for the day only to eat lunch at dinner time. *sigh* So after that we hit HOBO and then it was back here for dessert and tea. After they left I basically got nothing done, I was tired and just needed some time to not run anywhere or feel like I had to be anywhere. I still haven't seen Thor yet but I will see it one of these days. I need to find out what my schedule will look like this week and then can plan to escape for a couple hours to catch a matinee. I got an email from my friend asking if I was free Wednesday or Thursday to do some work for him, and I said yes. So that's going to eat up a few hours of my time this week.
I really want to push myself this week and write, preferably the planned 31 pages so I can get further into the story than I normally would be at this point. That way I'll feel like the book will be finished and published by this time next year. That's my ultimate goal, if I can pull it off sooner than even better! I'm really hoping I'll get a good advance for the book so that I can both pay off my car loan and put some of it down for a down payment on a house. I don't want to spend all of it on a downpayment, I will need some money to pay bills after all, and buy furniture since I won't have much.
Next weekend won't be any help either, I'm going to a brunch on Saturday then most likely, go straight to church from there for my regular weekend on lights. Plus my cousin said she's going to come up for the weekend for her birthday. If she does and she doesn't change her mind, then we're going to go to a Persian restaurant in Milwaukee for lunch on Sunday. It's tiring just thinking about this, think about how much worse it would be if I had a full time job. UGHLast week I had a goal, I said I wanted to have 70 pages written by the end of this week. I started today with having 39 pages done, having done about half a page of writing over the weekend. So that leaves me with 31 pages to write to make my goal of being on page 70 of the story by the end of this week. It's a lot to do, I know but I had planned on locking myself in the basement with some dvds, my laptop and power cord. Some days the internet is very distracting to me, especially on the days when I'm not very motivated to do something. Those are the days when I need to get away from my desk, take my laptop and park my rear on the couch with laptop and tv.
I also said I was going to start working out again today but again that didn't happen. The weekend turned out differently than I thought it would. Originally I was going to church to train a new guy on lights but he didn't show up Saturday so I had to both program and run lights. I also ran camera two Saturday night since we were short a camera guy. I was asked to come back Sunday just in case the light guy wasn't there and sure enough, I was running lights again. The upside to that was a very funny moment that happened a few minutes after the first service ended, which will end up in the book somewhere. I ran upstairs and told the folks in the tech booth what happened, along with our technical director and they all died laughing. We couldn't stop laughing about it for a while either.
Yesterday afternoon was no help either; instead of grilling like we originally planned, so we got stuck at Cracker Barrel (leave it to my brothers to not plan ahead) and didn't eat lunch until 4:00. Yeah just what I love doing, starving myself for the day only to eat lunch at dinnertime. *sigh* So after that we hit HOBO and then it was back here for dessert and tea. After they left I basically got nothing done, I was tired and just needed some time to not run anywhere or feel like I had to be anywhere. I still haven't seen Thor yet but I will see it one of these days. I need to find out what my schedule will look like this week and then can plan to escape for a couple hours to catch a matinee. I got an email from my friend asking if I was free Wednesday or Thursday to do some work for him, and I said yes. So that's going to eat up a few hours of my time this week.